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  • 剧情片
  • 马丁·斯塔尔 爱丽塔·阿察丽娅 
  • An American family fulfils their dream of returning to their roots after inheri An American family fulfils their dream of returning to their roots after inheriting a remote cabin in the mountains of Norway. However, they are in for a big surprise. An elf with a nasty temper lives in the house’s barn. When the family starts to infuriate the creature, a raw and bloody struggle for survival ensues. This nightmarish and hilarious Norwegian horror-comedy about an American family’s desire to fit in spirals into a survival saga laced with smart cultural jabs. If the allure of Norway and its mystical elves, coupled with a nostalgia for the playful horror of the 1980s piques your interest, don’t miss “There's Something in the Barn”.



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